Creatine Lemon 200g
Upgrade your performance to a new level! Hart-Sport Creatine gives energy to the muscles in successive short-term and explosive performances.
The beneficial effect is obtained by consuming at least 3 g of creatine daily, for example before or during exercise. Hart-Sport Creatine has delicious lemon flavour!
For those who train hard, the body's need for creatine can be significantly higher, which is why using a creatine supplement can be useful. Taking creatine daily can improve the effects of muscle strength training.
Olemme ylpeitä tuotteidemme ammattitaidosta. Tiukat laadunvalvontatoimenpiteet varmistavat, että jokainen Hart-Sport -nimeä kantava tuote täyttää korkeimmat standardit ja takaa kestävyyden ja suorituskyvyn.
1 measuring spoon (5ml) per day. Mix the powder with water or other liquid.